Bashir Khan Qureshi: A True Son of Soil

By: Syed Jalal Mehmood Shah

ساري رات سبحان جاڳي جن ياد ڪيو،
ان جي عبداللطيف چئي مٽي لڌو مان
ڪوڙين ڪن سلام ،اچيو آسڻ ان جي (شاھ لطيف)

Many of our friends and political parties claim that Bashir Khan never used dine without them, never used to give any statement without their consent. But I won't make any such claim, I am of opinion that humans have both good qualities as well as shortcomings, sometimes certain good qualities of a person overshadow all his shortcomings. The humbleness and down to earthiness were such qualities that made him a great man.

 Being a member of political family, I got chance to have closeness with Bashir Quershi, from 1986-87, I saw Bashir Khan overcoming many trails, tribulations, hard times and even witnessed his happiness.

Sain GM Syed wrote a book titled "Janab Guzariyum Jin Seen" the book is based on sketches of different people and is categorized into different chapters like my close friends, bureaucrats etc. the very first chapter of that book is "Quoomi Karkon" (National Activists), the national activists are given great homage, Sain has put Ghulam Mohammad Bhurgri on the top of list of national activists, while Shaikh Abdul Majeed Sindhi is also included in that very same list.

We could say that Bashir Qureshi was a national activist (Quoomi Karkon), which is a great title. I had different experiences from 1988, and during last three years of Bashir Quershi's life we were closer and found out that he had reached the top level of political maturity.

Most often it is seen that someone who achieves a minor political goal, starts thinking himself to be great and claims that neither sun sets without him, nor politics could continue without him, he starts thinking everyone other then him is wrong. But during last three years of his life I noticed one thing in Bashir Qureshi that no matter how great you are but you won't succeed, if you are not united on national issues. You won't reach the goal of national integrity if you are not united even on smaller issues. On such three or four issues, he took part with us in the struggle to resolve them. Whether it was Save Sindh Committee, or local government issue or we talk about issue of census, or the formation of new provinces, he united all his party workers wholeheartedly on these issues and we worked together. He was always ready to strive with us on one point agenda. We were highly benefited from all this as a nation and we achieved our targets in that regard, it was Bashir Khan's aid, which helped to achieve national goals. Bashir Khan Qureshi supported us to every possible level, and ever some political party showed lack of seriousness, we would call Bashir Qureshi saying: certain party is not listening to us, let Bashir Qureshi do the job of bringing it back and talk to its leadership.

He used say: "Sain give me two days, I would go to that friend personally and you should also accompany me."

I used to tell him: "My dear where ever you'd say, I'd accompany you, because we should be united on cause of Sindh and should unite people as well." In this regards Bashir Khan was most useful and played a preliminary role.

Freedom was a big cause, but he was always ready to be with us even on smaller issues. His this good quality made him great. He was also effected by life threats and attacks upon him during last three years of his life, he used to think something would happen to him at any moment. 

Bashir Khan Qureshi was a follower of Sain GM Syed and used to call himself his soldier, he was clear on one of the teachings of Sain GM Syed that we (Sindhis) are one nation. How do we achieve our rights through total independence or through assembly politics, those are two different paths, but all our friends agree upon one point that "we (Sindhis) are one nation".  

It is a fact that Pakistan is a multi-racial country, different nations are part of this country, who came in federation protect their national, cultural and economic rights. Whenever we are denied of our national right, we reserve the right to go back to our original national right, that is of an independent nation as given by United Nations (UN). 

Giving your life in a struggle for a certain cause is called as martyrdom, likewise Bahsir Khan Qureshi gave his life during struggle for a cause, which makes him a martyr, and martyrdom is a greater death than ordinary death.

During last two years of his life Bshir Khan Qureshi seemed worried about t some political fractions within our parties that had gone away from Sain GM Syed's teaching of non-violent political struggle to violent struggle. Especially certain fractions started Ariel firing on birth anniversary of Sain GM Syed, so that they could distract others from their non-violent political struggle.

While having a discussion with me he showed his reservations regarding this element and told me that: "We stopped our activists and cried they are not among us."

The very same thing also happened during 23rd March rally, when Bashir Khan was leading millions of Sindhis in Karachi, certain elements started firing, so that he could be distracted from his path of non-violent political struggle, he was very worried about that as it was to distract people from the goal.

A week before his death, Bashir Khan contacted me and said: "Sain the death anniversary of Sain GM Syed is nearing, it was witnessed that during birth anniversary some fractions were involved in Ariel firing claiming to gain freedom, I fear that might be a conspiracy to damage our political venue, so you should form a code of conduct."

I replied to him saying: "Most of the friends don't believe in code of conduct, they claim whatever they are doing is correct."

He said that: "Instead of you ask your brother Dr. Zia Shah to form code of conduct as he is the head of managing committee, tell him call us all and give code of conduct, after whoever is not following it would be my responsibility."

Bashir Qureshi also used to claim that: "Freedom movements are doomed, whenever foreign elements involve in those movements." He was well aware that freedom movements like Kashmir or UP were sabotaged due to foreign hands and said: "we are avoiding from it."

There are similarities between assassinations of Benazir Bhutto and Bashir Khan Qureshi, media gave confusing reports but medical officer claimed that traces of phosphorus were found from Bashir Qureshi's body. When samples are sent to medical examination, the result is either positive or negative, whether something was cause of death or not? In this case it is clear that phosphorus was found in him samples, which was given to him artificially through some food item or something else, wasn't it important to file FIR on the basis of that evidence and certificate? Why there was no FIR lodged of this case like the case of Benazir Bhutto? If phosphorus was cause death then why wasn't FIR lodged on that ground? Criminal Investigation would have taken place, within 24 hours the state registered this case according to its will as the case of Benazir Bhutto was registered.

(Syed Jalal Mehmood Shah is President of Sindh United Party (SUP))


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