A Porn Generation….

In older days people used to visit brothels, prostitutes or sex-workers to gain sexual satisfaction, in the sub-continent it was generally believed that visiting a brothel fortnightly or once in a month strengthened the marriage relationship. However, after the rapid growth of internet even sexual satisfaction has become digitalized, and a whole new generation walks between us and that generation is called “Porn Generation”.

 Some years back when I used to work in a news agency, I caught many of my colleagues watching porn at work place during working hours, they also used to exchange such videos with each other and from time to time, they used to demand whether someone had got a new video.

I was forced to write this blog after I heard a sad story of one of my friends, who also happens to be a writer, some time ago when we met, he seemed confused and worried, when I asked him what was the reason?

He told me that without watching porn he was unable to get proper erection due to which he was unable to maintain a healthy sexual relation with his wife.

This revelation shocked me and I was completely lost, he further told me that he got proper erection after he had watched two or three porn videos.

According to PsychGuide, an American Addiction Centers Resource web portal calls this behavior as porn addiction, which happens to be a subset of sex addiction and it could refer to wide range of behaviors done in excess and negatively impact one’s life. However, porn addiction is not an official diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-V (DSM-5). But an addiction to porn could lead to serious consequences in one’s life.

Though pornographic sites are officially banned in Pakistan from 2011, yet the porn addicts use proxy browsers, while there are as many as thousand groups on Whatsapp and telegram that share porn videos, through independent sources it was known that some 35 whatsapp groups were operating in Hyderabad, Sindh that shared porn videos, while the number of whatsapp and telegram groups being operated from Karachi, the capital of Sindh might exceed from thousand. Same sources claimed that those 65% porn addicts in Karachi and Hyderabad fell under the age group of 15 to 18, while 90% of porn videos searched contained physical aggression and 53% videos contained verbal aggression.

Federal Minister Shirin Mazari, in a statement had claimed that Pakistan was ranked as a country with the largest numbers of child pornography viewers.

  According to PsychGuide, watching pornography interfered with normal daily behavior and responsibilities. More time spent watching porn is needed to get aroused or reach climax. There is a sense of emotional distress or feeling of withdrawal, when porn is stopped.

So are we becoming a porn generation……?


  1. According to an American survey which was held some years back it reveled that the Pakistan is the top ranked country in the world where 99% ppl watched porn alone


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