Mohajirs Coming To Sindh Had Different Motives Than Immigrants In Punjab: Dr. Mubarak Ali

Veteran Pakistani historian Dr. Mubarak Ali has said that there was no written agreement of people migrating from one place to another during the 1947 partition of the subcontinent, the impression on both sides was that the countries would be divided but the people would stay, where they were staying, but since there were riots in East and west Punjab that was why it was said that all the Muslims should migrate to East Punjab and all non-Muslims should go to West Punjab. But in Sindh, it seems that a conspiracy was made to create riots so that Urdu speaking population might be adjusted, the immigrants who came to Sindh didn't come here in result of any riot. Most of the Urdu speaking people came to Sindh in result of job transfers or due to financial reasons, the motive of immigrants who came to Sindh was totally different than those of who came to Punjab.

He was talking exclusively to prominent Sindhi writer Mr. Hafeez Kumbhar, answering a question regarding Mr. Jinnah, he said that:

"According to recent research on Mr. Jinnah done in Australia and elsewhere have claimed that Mr. Jinnah remained secular and an Indian nationalist and there was no change in him, it is true that Mr. Jinnah was man of integrity and was honest but as a politician he committed serious mistakes, one of my friends says: you should see the dress code of Mr. Jinnah, when he came out from the plane after landing for the first time in Pakistan, he was wearing sherwani, Jinnah cap and choridar pyjama, in this way he gave a certain image of Pakistan, his image of wearing three piece suits, smoking a cigar was faded away.

There are many other speeches of Mr. Jinnah, apart from his 11 August speech, for example when Lord Mountbatten delivered a speech on 14 August, he said Akbar's policy should be adopted in Pakistan.

Differing to that point Mr. Jinnah: we don't need it and teachings of Prophet  (PBUH) are enough for us.

So in one way we find this contradiction in Mr. Jinnah's personality, which is the reason I say: we don't need to take anything from Mr. Jinnah's personality, if we have to look Pakistan, we have to look on the basis of ideologies, a secular and democratic country is the need of hour."

While answering the question regarding the ideology on which Pakistan came into being was correct, Dr. Mubarak said:

"No, if they were correct, we won't be facing the crisis that we face today, we can clearly see that the very foundation was not correct, religious extremism, violence, riots and this concept that separation is solution to all problems, all this was in the foundations of our country."


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