
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Un-caged Virgin of Africa: Free Verses

  Once upon a time in the exotic lands of Africa, That gave birth to earliest human civilizations, A land of resilience and vast traditions A wonderland by nature, with beauty that resembled magic, Full of charms and spells; Lived a ‘Caged Virgin’, well-known for her beauty and boldness. Slowly and gradually she became a symbol of resistance. Loved and revered by those who believed in humanism; She became the voice of African women. Bringing forward the evil practices like female gentile mutilation; Everyone listened to her carefully; And hailed her for breaking the evil cage of dogma. For best ideals she put her life in danger; As she started calling her ‘infidel’; Her own people wanted to kill her. But the humanists came to rescue her, They took her to lands where free speech was not a sin, Where people where ready to listen to anything and everything; Our beautiful and charming ‘Caged Virgin’ was now ‘un-caged’; and not the virgin anymore. She g