Sindhi Adabi Board...! Potential Candidate
My heart really ached when I read a letter to editor by our prominent and veteran short story writer Sir Shoukat Hussain Shoro Sahib in largest circulated Sindhi daily "Daily Kawish, Hyderabad" regarding the crisis in Sindhi Adabi Board (SAB), Jamshoro, an institute established to promote Sindhi literature. Sir Shoukat Hussain Shoro wrote that Sindhi intellectuals, writers and poets' demand was to stop running SAB by unlawful means and appoint a new chairman and Board of Governance (BOG). Sir Shoukat highlighting the importance of SAB wrote that after partition as Hindu Community of Sindh left its motherland, huge gap was witnessed as far as Sindhi literature was concerned, that gap was so huge that even the very existence of Sindhi language was in danger. During that period of crisis Sain G M Syed came forward and took efforts in reshaping of SAB, while it was fortunate that a visionary intellectual Mohammad Ibrahim Joyo became its secretary, who not only published...