
The Un-caged Virgin of Africa: Free Verses

  Once upon a time in the exotic lands of Africa, That gave birth to earliest human civilizations, A land of resilience and vast traditions A wonderland by nature, with beauty that resembled magic, Full of charms and spells; Lived a ‘Caged Virgin’, well-known for her beauty and boldness. Slowly and gradually she became a symbol of resistance. Loved and revered by those who believed in humanism; She became the voice of African women. Bringing forward the evil practices like female gentile mutilation; Everyone listened to her carefully; And hailed her for breaking the evil cage of dogma. For best ideals she put her life in danger; As she started calling her ‘infidel’; Her own people wanted to kill her. But the humanists came to rescue her, They took her to lands where free speech was not a sin, Where people where ready to listen to anything and everything; Our beautiful and charming ‘Caged Virgin’ was now ‘un-caged’; and not the virgin anymore. She g


  Short Fiction  By: Kaleem Butt All of sudden my eyes open…. I can feel the darkness and death like silence for a moment…. As though world has ended…. I think I’ve survived…. Something has happened in this dark deep belly of the raging sea that has helped me to survive like Jonah survived in the belly of the whale…. I am coming to my senses and hearing voices. To tell you the truth I have no idea for how long I’ve slept in this dark belly of the water. It might be a small part of day or a full day… or more than that may be a week or month or a year…. Or even more than that… I am not sure…. But I want to know it…. I want to reveal the truth and this is my journey to find out what happened to me and how long have I slept?     I could hear the gushing sound of the water….. I think… at this precise moment I can only image… I can’t tell anything for sure but I would unveil the truth.   The gushing sound of water continues…..       Water the cause and reason behind all life as w

The Dictator’s Curse (A Novel) Part: One

        By: Kaleem Butt                                            Chapter 1: Room No: 26                         No sir, whosoever you are….!    Sometimes I wonder that the toughest job on face of the earth is to begin a story, all the scenes and characters run in your mind but one is unable to find that one beautiful sentence to start the story, the magical sentence which catches the attention of readers. A story without that beautiful is like a damsel who is fully grown-up and she has good looks, but unfortunately she is flat-chested. Pardon me, you may consider the above remark as a sexist remark, but you would agree with me that a woman is the most beautiful creature in this entire world, and a good story is as beautiful as a woman, and that starting sentence is like round breasts hanging on some beautiful lady’s chest, a guy is simple attracted to the lady just glancing at her fully grown and round breasts, as I was attracted to round breasted Madam Afshan, she teaches u

Book Review: If On A Winter's Night A Traveler

  This novel is one of the most popular novels of Italo Calvino. It was published in 1979. It deals with themes like metafiction, problems in publishing industry, and censorship. For complete review please click the link below:

Sindhi Novel In 21st Century: Novel Mokhi

 We discuss about new trends and traditions regarding Sindhi Novel. Akbar Laghari  Amar Laghari  Dr. Mubarak Lashari  Akhtar Hafeez Kaleem Butt Click Link:

Sindhi Novel In 21st Century

 We discuss about new trends and traditions regarding Sindhi Novel. Akbar Laghari  Razzak Sehto Dr. Mubarak Lashari  Akhtar Hafeez Kaleem Butt Click Link:

I Hate To Die Virgin…. (Speculative Fiction)

               By: Kaleem Butt Oh God! No, not the termites... Please...please... Are you there.... Can you hear me....!   I hate termites....baldy killers... No... no, please I am begging you to save me... I don't want to die virgin; you know full well I hate to die virgin.   And that too on the hands of these monstrous termites.... Many of my kind have suffered on the hands of these little beasts called the termites. They are deadly creatures...   Oh God! Please help me out, they are nearing me..... I hate to die virgin.... enemy is nearing me and I am petrified by the sight.... I curse the day I was brought here, it was some three months ago and since that day I have been neglected by the person who brought me to his home, that idiot has not touched me since then.... Oh God! Can you perform some kind of miracle and save me from this terrifying group of termites and the painful death on their hands.... But what was